CureMode's Films
These are my amateur 8mm films Fried and Cured I recently transferred to digital. Click on either one below to view the AVI versions. For easier access they are also now on my You Tube page along with a funny Playstation contest entry I submitted, and some other videos. The quality is a bit downgraded for internet viewing, you can download them from here as well (Fried / Cured). These were are also featured on - Showtime's Online new movie venue (No longer up).
Both of my films were featured on They both won runner up awards for best film in their catagories. They are called Fried - in the Thiller/Horror Catagory, and Cured - in the Drama Catagory. They were both shot on 8mm film, Fried is about a mad Student and Cured revolves around a broken hearted guy (me). They were both on the Showtime Alternative Media Film Festival back in 2000, thanks for voting for them.
Credits: Special thanks to Mark Paskowsky for his performance in Fried and his help in filming and producing Cured. I would also like to thank Karina Laveccia (woman in both), Charlie Ranado, Rick DiMasi, and Debra Toscano (cameo in Cured) for their help in making these movies possible.